Dry fertilizers are inherently dusty products. During fertilizer production, storage, transport and use there is often significant generation of dust as particles degrade. Handling and application equipment can cause breakage, while temperature and humidity swings can cause a loss of granule integrity even while fertilizer is in storage. In some cases, imperfect production processes can result in overly fragile fertilizer which tends to partially deteriorate into dust at any given stage in the fertilizer process. OAN offers wide range of Anti-dusting Agent to overcome the problem of dust generation in plants while production & transferring the fertilizers. Not only is there a loss of valuable product as dust drifts away from its intended location, but dust also creates significant air quality issues. To combat this problem, dust control coatings have long been applied to fertilizers at various stages between production and application.
- Provide robust, long-lasting dust control.
- Be made of ingredients suitable for safe use in the facilities where they are applied as well as for all downstream uses and applications including agriculture.
- Have minimal impact on the flowability of the treated fertilizer.
- Be relatively easy to apply to dry fertilizer in a typical operation.
- Not undermine the treated fertilizer’s ability to comply with applicable regulatory requirements.
- Not undermine the treated fertilizer’s ability to comply with applicable regulatory requirements.